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Vehicle Sales Were Down Almost 14 Percent in Canada in November

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Derek Boshouwers
The lack in inventory is likely more to blame than lack of demand, however

Automotive sales figures as crunched by Desrosiers Automotive Consultants show a continuing downward trend in automotive sales in Canada for the month just ended. As reported by Carscoops, auto manufacturers posted a 13.9 percent decline in sales in November compared to the same period last year.

That’s not good news, of course, but it could almost be interpreted as such as automakers, since it’s less of a drop than were registered for October (-17.7 percent) and September (-19.6 percent).

It’s worth noting that Desrosiers’ figures are based on incomplete data, since only 10 out of 45 automotive brands present in Canada currently report sales figures monthly. Still, the pictures painted is pretty clear. And for some manufacturers like Mazda and Kia, the declines were pretty sharp. Those two companies posted decreases of 46.6 percent and 34 percent, respectively.

One of the few automakers on the positive side of the redline was Hyundai, which saw sales grow by 2 percent (Genesis, working on a much smaller volume, posted a whopping 199 percent increase, to 427 units, almost all on the back of the new GV70)., 100% online, shop for your next car, buy online and get it delivered to you anywhere in Quebec!

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Carscoops did not advance itself on explaining the reason for the continued drop, but it’s safe to assume that the well-documented inventory issues caused by ongoing shortages of microchips and other components have to be playing a key role in depressing sales. If that is so, we imagine that points to better times ahead in the coming months as automaker gradually resolve their supple issues.

Derek Boshouwers
Derek Boshouwers
Automotive expert
  • Over 5 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 50 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 30 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists