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New software problems coming to light at Volkswagen

The 2016 VW Golf | Photo: Volkswagen
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Derek Boshouwers

German media are reporting today that beleaguered carmaker Volkswagen has uncovered yet another problem with software related to fuel consumption in its vehicles. One of the issues coming to light bears directly on fuel consumption performance, according to German daily Die Welt. In some vehicles, a software program that controls energy recovery for recharging the car’s battery is not properly operational, with the result that the vehicle uses more fuel than it otherwise would.

Volkswagen has acknowledged the problem but a spokesperson for the manufacturer was quoted by Die Welt as saying that the problem only affects certain vehicles, and not any models in particular. Not official statement from Volkswagen has yet been released.

This latest issue to come to light follows on the heels of the stunning and damaging admission by Volkswagen that 11 million of its diesel-engine vehicles were fitted with devices designed to cheat emissions tests, and a subsequent revelation that carbon emission test results of VW petrol vehicles had also been manipulated.


Derek Boshouwers
Derek Boshouwers
Automotive expert
  • Over 5 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 50 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 30 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists