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Simplicity and Something: Honda Plays Up New Interior Design Concept

| Photo: Honda
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Derek Boshouwers
We’ll see more when the new 2022 Civic is presented this week

Honda has released images and a video of the new interior design concept that will prevail in its models going forward. The automaker calls the philosophy Simplicity and Something – the ‘something’ referring to the more intangible qualities that can make consumers enjoy a vehicle, like distinctiveness, warmth, or playfulness.

Notable features of Honda’s new interior design signature include a transparent multimedia screen, physical buttons for essential functions like the audio and climate control, and an effort to reduce clutter. That is particularly evident in the space just below the floating transparent screen. Overall, there’s a certain angularity to the design., 100% online, shop for your next car, buy online and get it delivered to you anywhere in Quebec!

Sketch of the interior of the 2022 Honda Civic
Sketch of the interior of the 2022 Honda Civic | Photo: Honda

Now, the rendering provided and seen here is not yet earmarked in its final form for any production model, but Honda is promising elements of the Simplicity and Something design signature in the upcoming 2022 HR-V and the next-gen 2022 Civic – the first of which has just been presented in its European iteration, and the second of which will be getting its turn in the sun later this week.

What we’ve seen for both these upcoming models confirms the presence of a top-sitting multimedia screen, physical knobs and dials and new climate control vent design. Not too surprisingly, though, neither feature the transparent multimedia screen of the rendering shown today.

The interior of the 2022  Honda HR-V
The interior of the 2022 Honda HR-V | Photo: Honda
Derek Boshouwers
Derek Boshouwers
Automotive expert
  • Over 5 years' experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 50 test drives in the past year
  • Participation in over 30 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists