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2017 Lamborghini Italian Tour Was a Real Delight; Check This Out!

| Photo: Lamborghini
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Khatir Soltani
For the love of wine and the open road

Yesterday, we showed you a video of the 6th Ferrari Cavalcade in Italy. Today, we bring you another that focuses on Lamborghini and its 2017 Italian Tour.

The three-day drive featured some of Northern Italy’s most enchanting locations including the spectacular Lake Garda, whose waters mirror the Alps; Verona, the city of love; the Dolomites mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; the city of Trento; as well as Valpolicella with its rolling hills and vineyards whose fame stretches back to ancient Rome.

More importantly, perhaps, participants enjoyed the experience of driving one of the brand’s latest jewels, the Lamborghini Centenario.

Khatir Soltani
Khatir Soltani
Automotive expert
  • Over 6 years experience as a car reviewer
  • Over 50 test drives in the last year
  • Involved in discussions with virtually every auto manufacturer in Canada