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2016 Chevy Volt named Canadian Green Car of the Year

The 2016 Chevy Volt | Photo: General Motors
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Josée Paquet

The all-new 2016 Chevy Volt received AJAC’s 2016 Canadian Green Car of the Year (CGCOTY) award at the opening of the Vancouver Auto Show yesterday. It beat out two other finalists including the 2016 Honda Civic and 2016 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid.

"A Green vehicle isn't always just the electric car, or the smallest car," said Kevin Corrigan, Chair of the CGCOTY Committee and regular contributor to "A fuel-efficient gasoline four-cylinder, or a six-cylinder luxury hybrid, can also be considered a Green vehicle in its segment of the market. Canadian consumers require environmentally-friendly transportation that meets their needs, whether it's a small city runabout, or a large but fuel-efficient luxury product. Our intention with the Canadian Green Car of the Year program is not just to make consumers aware of environmental vehicles, but to know that we've tested them extensively and have chosen what we feel is the year's best."


Josée Paquet
Josée Paquet
Automotive expert