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2010 Ford Taurus SHO Review (video)

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Justin Pritchard
Impressive luxury and performance from Ford's twin-turbo sedan
As such, consumption depends on the driver. Over the course of this writer’s 3,000 km test-drive, observed mileage averaged as low as 9L / 100km during highway cruising, about 14L / 100km during heavy-footed city driving and no higher than 15.2L / 100km during a lead-footed blast through the back roads.

If you’ve ever wanted to receive a discreet bum massage while driving, this is your ride.

These figures may read as thirsty for some, but they’re excellent given the available power and size of the car.

To compare, a Dodge Charger RT uses as much as 18L / 100km in similar driving.

Q: So it’s fast, American, and totally badass. Does the stereo automatically play Ram Jam's 'Black Betty' when you goose it?
A: No, but it can read text messages, accept voice commands and play audio straight out of your phone, no wires required. It's also got Sony components, and sounds pretty punchy.

Q: Geez! These seats are like sitting on a sofa!
A: They’re excellent, aren’t they? The front pair even pack motorized adjustments, heat, ventilation, and an active rolling massage function to help keep blood flowing on long trips. If you’ve ever wanted to receive a discreet bum massage while driving, this is your ride.

It should be mentioned that the front seating quarters do feel tight on entry and exit-- especially given the overall size of the car. It can feel almost coupe-like up front.

Q: How’s the ride with those giant wheels?
A: Not too bad, actually. The suspension is set on the soft side to help give the SHO a nice, easygoing but rewarding ride in most any situation.

Of course, easygoing isn’t a favourite word amongst hardcore performance buffs-- but those aren’t the folks buying the SHO, either. There’s no getting around the size and weight of this machine, though it could get away with being worse on a handling course, too.

Q: Can you hear the turbochargers?
A: That's a negative-- unless you roll down a window, kill the tunes and drive next to something that'll deflect the sound back towards the cabin. Even then, only a faint whiff of turbo whine is apparent. The exhaust note is much the same-- there virtually isn't one.

The suspension is set on the soft side to help give the SHO a nice, easygoing but rewarding ride in most any situation.
Justin Pritchard
Justin Pritchard
Automotive expert