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The 2020 Jeep Cherokee: 10 Things Worth Knowing

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Michel Crépault
We stick this unsinkable chameleon of an SUV under the microscope!

# 3 Between a Kleenex and a fridge

Whatever its origins, the Jeep name has become absolutely iconic in the industry and even beyond. I’d put its status on a par with Kleenex, Kodak or Frigidaire. These brand names became so associated with the products they made that they came to be used to designate any tissue paper, pocket camera or refrigerator. Absolute gold for a company.

Nowadays, the power of the Jeep name has been diluted a little bit, but many folks still refer to any real all-terrain vehicle – not the spiffed-up pseudo-off-roading urban SUVs – as, well, a jeep, without the capital letter.

1993 Jeep Cherokee Jamboree
1993 Jeep Cherokee Jamboree | Photo: Jeep

# 4 It’s mine! No, it’s mine!

As we mentioned, that kind of name recognition is gold for the company that owns it. And so it was that as early as 1943, Willys filed to own the copyright to the Jeep name; the courts, however, decided it belonged to Bantam. Undeterred, Willys produced the CJ-2A as of 1945; it became known as the first Civilian jeep, destined for non-military customers. In the event, as Willys was the only company in the post-war period in the business of producing jeeps, it was finally given the right to capitalize that ‘j’; as of 1950, it owned the Jeep name.

1945 Willys Overland CJ 2A
1945 Willys Overland CJ 2A | Photo: Jeep
Michel Crépault
Michel Crépault
Automotive expert
  • More than 45 years of experience as an automotive journalist
  • More than 12 test drives last year
  • Attended more than 190 new vehicle launches in the presence of the brand's technical specialists