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2004 MazdaSpeed MX-5 Miata Road Test

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Alexandra Straub
Stylish, Sleek, Sharp and Superb

When Mazda's Miata debuted in 1989 it was hot. Now, 15 years later it is the top selling sports coupe ever according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Not bad Mazda.

It's hard to believe that it has been 15 years since the massively popular Mazda Miata debuted. (Photo: Mazda Canada)
My family was among the first to buy into Mazda's zoom-zoom program, purchasing a first generation Miata right in the beginning. I remember driving around with my mom, the top down of course, listening to Richard Marx and all the quality music that came out of the '80s. I also remember a time when a stranger on the street approached my mom and offered her a very large sum of money if she would sell her little red convertible to him right then and there, keeping in mind that the Miata was a hard commodity to acquire in its first production year. She rebuffed him, he pleaded, and still she refused. But now that over 700,000 Miata's have been produced, hopefully the man who wanted our Miata has one for himself. Rocket science is not necessary when it comes to calculating the formula of attraction between the public and the venerable Miata. Simply, it's nice to look at and even nicer to drive. No wonder it remains the consistent top seller in the category.

Mazda has given new life to their hot little convertible, in the form of the limited edition MazdaSpeed MX-5 Miata. (Photo: Mazda Canada)
But why stop with being number one? Despite its age, the sports car company has just made its hot little number that much better, by introducing the limited edition MazdaSpeed MX-5 Miata. Yes, it's still as stylish, sleek, sharp and superb as ever, but now it's much faster too.

My test week started out on the rainy foot, as it usually does when I have a convertible. But fortunately this time it cleared up, and the sun stayed for the rest of my time with the speedy roadster. This enabled me to drop the top, grab a girlfriend, and cruise around town carefree in my hot new ride.
Alexandra Straub
Alexandra Straub
Automotive expert